In our daily life we come across many examples of great human beings who do such deeds that make them famous and decorated for their deeds. One such example is the Mother Teresa , who spent her whole life for the uplift and care for the down trodden and for the people who suffered from leprosy. She was even recommended to be given the status of a saint, but due to some governmental complications the motion was declined.
She is a motherly figure years after her demise and is known for the service of humanity. What a great humanitarian she was. Then we have persons like Mahatama Gandhi and the great Nelson Mandela. These are the people whom the history cannot forget and these people will be in the hearts of people even after centuries of their existence. Today we are going to discuss a personality who is conferred an honorary degree for her humanitarianism. Meet Monica Brown, who has been awarded an honorary degree.
She is the one who has worked tirelessly for the sake of humanity and we will not forget her work for years to come. Her name will go in gold letters in the annals of the history of the country and we will remember for centuries to come. Her name will be taken along with the great men in this world who have worked for the sake of humanity and the upbringing of the human beings in this world. We are proud of Monica Brown and wish her all the best and also good luck for her future ventures and may God bless her with good health and happy long life. Amen.
Original article was published here.

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